Hi everyone!


Hi! This is my third time writing this out. I'm creating a blog to document how my journey is while I'm on bupropion and risperidone. I've been on risperidone since February 7th, 2022 as an antipsychotic and I just started bupropion for depression. February 7th is the day that I was admitted to Jersey City Medical Center as I was experiencing psychosis. It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced as I was hearing voices, seeing things that weren't there, and I believed there were conspiracies against me. I was a totally different person than I am today. I also started this blog to document my journey of 100 days of chanting nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The last time I chanted my life was so beautiful and it really helped me manifest a lot of things. I'll keep up with my manifestations here. I also wanted to talk about my brother sometimes.. I miss him so much and I still cry out for him like a baby. Im excited for this blog! I want to post everyday and try to include pictures with what I'm up to and maybe some poetry too.


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