I was sick :(


I was not feeling well, at all.. So I missed so many days to post. I missed one of my vice president meetings because I wasn't feeling well. Lately, I've been feeling so down and stuck in the bed. I've been feeling like I don't want to live anymore and I haven't been cooking at all. Just drinking liquids mostly. Today, I felt a bit better. And even though I didn't feel well, I still chanted. Today I started reading "The Buddha In Your Mirror". It talks about the benefits of chanting and it's origins. Yesterday, I took a nap and I thought that I slept into the next day and panicked. I only napped three hours but it felt like forever. I'm going to go through all of my notebooks and compare notes from when I first began chanting. It took about 5 months for me to see a difference in my life. I got a request to shoot today with a photographer from my agency. Hopefully, I start feeling better and I start cooking again. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist the first week of August. I may tell him to increase the dosage of bupropion. I'm almost done with the book even though I just started it today. I'm going to take a nap....


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