Bexie is Leaving Tomorrow

 Bexie was supposed to leave today, but she's leaving tomorrow because her parent's flight got cancelled. I made meatloaf, chicken alfredo, and a baked potato. It was a hot mess. I put the potato in the oven on 425 degrees for an hour and it wouldn't soften. The meatloaf was from Trader Joe's and it was bad, and the chicken alfredo tasted like water. Dinner was a disaster. I ended up eating hot fries with horchata icecream (which I know is bad). Lately, I haven't been wanting to eat anything and they said that the bupropion makes you lose your appetite. I just got deja vu writing this.. which scared me. I had deja vu when I was at a photo shoot on Monday... I've been getting it lately, I don't know why. 


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