Changed My Surprise/How I Feel About My Childhood


So I changed my surprise for my boyfriend. We went to the gun range instead which I thought was so cool. I used to go to the gun range with my dad when I was little with my brother Sidney. Guns are so powerful and when you pull the trigger, you can feel it. Well today was kind of weird because I started to appreciate my childhood more. Even though I was abused, I can appreciate my mother, father, and grandmother for raising us to have survival instincts. My childhood was very tough, but it made me strong. I survived homelessness in New Jersey for a year, all by myself. I got my own house when I was 17. Those were things I accomplished due to the lessons I learned as a child. Having a father as a convicted felon and then growing up with a bedridden mother, I learned how to survive on my own because my parents couldn't help me. To be quite honest, I appreciate it. It's such a weird feeling and I don't know if it's short-lived but thank God I know how to make my way around and figure things out. If not, I don't think I'd still be here.


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