My Displaced Friend Has Cancer

 I'm feeling really sad today because my displaced friend (the one pictured) was diagnosed with cancer... He's going through chemo rn. We've been friends for such a long while since I moved up here. It moved me to the point of tears (which is unusual for me because I understand that everyone's time comes and nobody is here forever). But I have such a soft spot for my friend and I know my life will be so different without him. I pray for him much because chemo is not easy and living on the streets is extremely hard while dealing with the toughness of radiation. I saw him yesterday in Hoboken, with his friend. His friend was telling me about the importance of having pride and God in your life. I agree with him. Your pride is everything... Pride in who you are, what you've been through, and where you come from... That's the representation of your heart and diligence. 


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