Back to the Psych Ward


I went back to the psych ward again :( This time I went to the Bayonne psych ward called 5b. It wasn't bad but I was there for a week and I wanted to go home. I was experiencing schizophrenic features so I had to stay there. But they put me on zoloft and abilify. I FINALLY got an official diagnosis of schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, and severe PTSD. I'm not going to lie, I'm scared. And I'm tired of going to the psych ward being locked down. I missed so much when I was in the psych ward and I have to make so many calls and appointments today. I'm with my fiance's family rn because my doctor/friends/family don't want me to be alone rn. I have so much to do and I'm afraid I won't be on the dean's list anymore. I just have so much anxiety from being locked away. This happened last time. And I'm not sleeping either. I actually missed my fiance so much, which I'm surprised about because I usually hate him. Everyone is so concerned about me which is understandable, because I keep getting sick and being locked away. I've been keeping my bible close to me and praying for the best. Oh yeah! I got accepted into the Princeton University transfer program. I have to tell them about my disability so I can receive accomodations because I don't have time to keep going back to the psych ward.


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