My Ex Tried To Boil My Face in Water

 My ex tried to boil my face in water 

I was in an abusive relationship for 3 years. In this relationship, I survived financial, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. He borrowed so much money from me and promised to pay me back but never did. When I started saying no to him asking me for money, that’s when he would strangle, degrade, and threaten me. After years of that, I felt it was best to end the relationship which he refused and said we can’t. I stopped talking to him and one day he asked if he could come over to use my Wi-Fi. I said yes, not really thinking of it because he needed help. He coerced me into having sex with him, which I realize now that it was rape. After that, he found out that I was with someone else. He kept asking me who was the person I’m talking to and I refused to answer because I didn’t want to put anyone in danger. From that point on, he verbally and physically assaulted me for 1-3 hours. I couldn’t keep track of the time because I didn’t have my phone with me but it was around that time. During the abuse, he grabbed my hair and tried to boil my face in hot water. He then pushed me on top of a dog to make me hurt the dog. He pushed me down to the ground. And repeatedly screamed “Bitches die over shit like this! Bitches die over shit like this!” While I sat in silence. During the verbal abuse, he repeatedly told me that I’m nothing to him and will never be anything. Saying I’m a hoe and a bitch and all types of horrible things. For my safety, I decided it was best to remain calm and just ignore him until he leaves. But that day still haunts me and still triggers me. I told his family about it, but I feel like they don’t give me the support I deserve which in turn makes me feel invalidated and confused. Because I know I would do my best to be there for someone that I love.. After the assault, I left my home because I felt unsafe and I had a feeling he’d come back. And of course, he comes back and steals my dog out of my yard. God only knows what would’ve happened if I was home. He punched a hole in my wall, where that could’ve been my face. 

I did confront my ex about what happened and he said I was being dramatic, and due to the extent of abuse I suffered, I believed I was being dramatic. I believed that I cheated on him because he told me I did. I believed that I deserved to be treated like that, because he told me I did. He told me that he treated me that way because I don’t respect myself. Honestly that was 5 years ago and it still hurts me to this day. It still makes my heart long for that 15-18 year old beautiful girl who’s getting abused by her boyfriend and doesn’t know it. His family says they care and love me but I don’t believe it. The extent of his abuse won’t even allow me to believe that they love me. 


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