Might Have My First Birth in November

I might have my first birth in November and I'm so excited!!! I've been taking many classes and learning so much. I'm still on this journey to get my IBCLC and PMH-C. I'm most excited about getting my IBCLC because not alot of black women are able to obtain theirs. I made a play on 5 stocks this week and they all went up today. I'm hoping they all go up by Friday. I'm thinking of coming up with a plan based on my experiences with stocks. I'm thinking of buying on Mondays then selling those stocks on Wednesdays. Then buying again on Wednesdays and selling on Fridays. This is only my second time making plays with options, so I'm thinking of what works best for me. I will definitely keep this blog updated on my stock journey because I'm learning so much about them. I learned most of my findings from kellyohgee on youtube, but I'm going to keep researching and learning how to make more money. I have a spinning babies course that I need to attend. I actually forgot about it until they brought it up in class today. Today was a Childbirth Education course and I learned so much. I feel like I found something that I'm passionate about. Something to look forward to and be excited about <3 The chebe powder did wonders for thickening my hair. Since hair naturally sheds, the chebe powder helps with breakage and lessening the shedding during braid takedowns. My hair was so thick that they couldn't do the style that I initially wanted. I wanted eight braids and a two cornrows in the front, but my hair is so thick that it wouldn't fit into 8 braids. In two months, I plan on getting a silk press. By then, my hair would have been grown out for a year. I'm thinking of getting a silk press maybe like every 4-6 months. Something like that.


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