Cleaning Out My Memory Box/Closets/Dresser

I'm reading this book about the importance of cleaning out past relationships and I never even thought to do that. The idea has been introduced to me but I just shrugged it off. So, today, I cleaned out everything from my past lovers. That included paintings, rings, jewelry, clothes, love notes, literally everything. I kept everything from all of my lovers because I just never wanted to forget about anyone. Don't know why I cared that much when most of them abused me or used me. But I kept everything and never threw anything away. So, today I grabbed a trash bag and gathered all of it and threw it away. I was blown away by everything that I kept. Some of the love notes I had forgotten about and they made me emotional all over again thinking about "What could've been?" Which is exactly why everything needs to be thrown out and forgotten about. I feel a big weight off my chest and I think I can start sleeping better at night now that all of that is out of my house.


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