I Love Raspberry Zinger

This tea is so good, there's nothing like it. It makes me feel so happy inside. I steep two tea bags, add two spoons of sugar (alot I know), add honey with comb, and then a slice of lemon.. It feels and tastes so good. I know this is bad, but I've been craving kool aid for some reason. Especially the blue packet one. I think I'm going to get some kool aid soon. Me and my sister used to make kool aid pies and they were so good.
I want to try all these flavors, they look so so good. Especially the lemon one. I'm getting my hair done next month and I'm curious to see how long it's gotten. I don't know if I'll straighten it because it's getting cold and it may not last long. Bantu knots I was thinking. Maybe a braided style with bantu knots, something beautiful and lovely of course. I don't know why I'm up. I'm having trouble sleeping and it's probably because I'm not praying. I'm not praying because I'm having my cycle. So, I have to wait until it's over and then perform ghusl. It's so much to learn about the Islamic faith. I learn new things everyday. I'm in love with this faith and I'll never leave it. I remember falling in love with Islam when I was a child, but my family would never let me be happy practicing. I'm happy about this blog, it literally grows everyday. I'm hoping that it can help someone to feel better and stronger. Know that they're not alone because they got me :). There's alot of things I want to say but I can't, so I'll have to publish a book about it. Which is fine with me because like I said, if you want to hide something, just write a book. People don't read much nowadays because they're always on their phone so that should give anyone the confidence to say what they mean and say it how they'd like.


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