books, books, books

The more books I read, the more I find... Just like the more you know, the more you don't know. It's so clever, the world. The one book I'm anticipating is 'Sensitive is the New Strong'. I always felt that way. I have always had a profound love for sensitive people, they just 'get' it. They cry, they have feelings, they have empathy, they have heart.. Something that alot of people lack nowadays. People laugh, mock, make fun, and are so mean to each other. It makes my stomach turn and always has. It's so weird how people treat others. I have always had this profound love for sensitive people. The words faggot, sissy, punk, cry baby were words that always moved me to love the person that was called those things. Nobody is a faggot. Nobody is a sissy. Nobody is a punk. Nobody is a cry baby. Everyone is entitled to behave the way that best suits them and makes them comfortable in this cruel world. How can you judge or try to take that away from someone? Their feelings, their pride, their diginity, and their humility.. That belongs to them. Nobody should feel like they have the power to take that from someone. It is so heartbreaking to watch.


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