First Time Making Smothered Turkey Necks

First I braised them (first picture) and then I boiled them in broth which I thickened with flour and corn starch. I love scotch bonnet peppers because they give dishes a unique, spicy flavor sO I used two of them. I tried to eat the whole plate but I got full, so I only ate three pieces. I took a piece of my cake and ate it and now I'm about to take a nap. I had a really good day. I have to find some tea near me that I like. I love tea so much. I was thinking a blueberry flavor. I'm almost done with Anne Heche's book. She is an amazing writer... I think I have 20 pages left. I loved it so much that I finished it in two days which I almost never do. The next book I'm going to read is maybe "The Secret" and 'Bling' by Erica Kennedy. I have "The Secret" in my library already, and my local library ordered 'Bling' for me. I am so excited to read, I feel like a kid again. I can escape into another world. When I read autobiographies, I get so happy because I feel less alone in my thoughts and feelings.


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