How Can I Hate My Greatest Teacher?

As I reflect on my life, I think the person that angered me the most was my father. How could he do the things that he's done to my family? How could he tell me to kill myself? I was so hurt. As I'm growing in this journey, I realize that anger is not a good look for me. It is very low vibrational for me. For some people, anger is what drives change. Anger is sexy, it's motivating, fierce, and fuels hard work. For me, it makes me sulk, cry, throw fits, and brings me down. It is one of my weakest emotions and has brought me down on so many occasions. In some ways and instances, it has ruined my life. As I'm growing into a new person, I realize that I cannot take anger with me on this journey to healing. I have to let it go... One revelation that I came upon was how can I be mad at my greatest teacher? My father, hands down, was the greatest teacher that life could've brought me. I learned so much from him. I learned how to be strong when faced with adversity. I learned how to cling to myself when nobody else believed me. Those are traits that a strong leader possesses. How could I hate my teacher? How could I be so mad that I wish death or bad things on this person? I cannot take that mindset with me as I'm traveling this journey. I have to let it go... for good. I have to be happy. It is done. It is over.


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