
So, I'm reading The Secret and I'm praying for a transformation by my 24th birthday. I've been focusing on school, but I'd like to travel more, explore more, and see more of the world. It's honestly quite scary for me to think about. The world is so small, but yet it's so big. The world has so many opportunities within it, and it's such a friendly place. I mean that sincerely. I have met so many friendly souls on my journey in this world and have had so many opportunities presented to me. Some that I even had to pass down because I'm so busy with my own things. After The Secret, I'm going to read John Lewis's book which I'm excited about. Saying I love him is an understatement. I admire his tenacity, his honor, and his faith.. He was an amazing friend and I was so lucky to be in his presence on many occasions.


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