Goal of Making $100/day

So, today (in stocks) I made $100 off of a $50 contract. I'm going to make a goal of making $100/day off of stocks. This week, to be honest, it wasn't easy. I kept closing contracts early, getting into bad contracts, and getting into contracts prematurely without staking out the charts first. I'm in a discord that helps with trading and it's helped out so much! Today I traded Netflix, but Microstrategy and Super Micro Computer are the stocks that I always have my eyes on. They're the first stocks that I look at for the day. So, what I'm going to do is try to trade just ONE contract a day (as a day trader) and keep it simple. That seems to be what works best for me. I tried swing trading and I was kind of ok at it, but day trading is more of my thing. Although, one thing I'm getting better at is leaving contracts at the right time. I do that by looking at the resistance points etc and using patience. My last two successful trades really proved that to be true, I closed and sold them at the perfect time. So, yes, my goal is to make a minimum of $100/day off of stocks. One thing that I also learned is to start trading at 10 am instead of 9:30 am. That way I have a better sense of market direction and I can see what's going on and when to enter a trade. When I trade at 9:30 am, I enter trades too prematurely and sometimes a stock drops or shoots up too quickly and I lose money. So, 10 am is my sweet spot as a new beginner. I just started trading options in October and the most I've ever made was $800 on a $15 contract. So, I'm trying to keep that going. It also gives me something to do during the day as well as I wait for my application decision from NYU. I am so anxious to know what my application decision is from them and to start taking Africana courses.


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