Swahili/ Schizophrenia Support Group

They also have Swahili in addition to Yoruba at my future school, so I'm looking into that. My best friend from Kenya speaks Swahili and he taught me a little bit. He wants me to learn Swahili so bad, so I actually might take that instead of Yoruba. I want to move on completely from my ex husband so it might be better to learn a language that is not associated with him. I'm in a schizophrenia support group and it helps so much. We talk about things that are completely relatable and relevant to schizophrenia which is great. When I was first diagnosed, I felt so sad. I felt like I would never live a normal life. I would always be depressed, lonely, and misunderstood. That ideaology changes everyday, especially being surrounded by people that understand. They have group everyday which helps so much. I don't even know how I found these groups, but I'm very happy that I did.


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