
I'm learning more and more about giving without expecting something in return. It is more satisying to give without receiving something back. I'm learning that in friendships, relationships, family... I'm learning. I'm starting to fall in love with doing my hair too! Something I never thought would happen. It's a miracle that I'm learning to do that. The hardest part about my hair is the parting. It takes me hours to part my hair! The chebe powder makes my hair more manageable though. I also added palm oil to my hair cream to strengthen my hair. So, in total, there's coconut oil, baobao oil, chebe powder, and palm oil in my hair paste. I put alot of it in my hair to seal it. I'm not keen to washing my hair all the time, because for me, washing my hair too much has always caused breakage. What I plan to do is co-wash my hair from now on. Maybe shampooing my hair twice a year or even less. The shampoo I use is Dr.Bronner's soap (the mint flavored one). I've been using so so much African products in my hair. And yesterday, I also listened to a hair growth affirmation on youtube? It randomly popped up on my page and I listened to it.


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