What's Been Going On

Well... School, school, school. I just sent off my essay to the school of General Studies. I'm honestly a little apprehensive about Columbia's College of General Studies because they don't have alot of financial aid. Some students were even homeless? So, that makes me very apprehensive about going. I don't even think I'm eligible for Barnard college because I'm considered a nontraditional student.I had no idea I was a nontraditional student. I knew I was a transfer student, but I didn't know me taking a break from school affects my application.
Next month I start at Columbia University... I am so nervous. I am tired already. I am going to be going to the gym at the same time too, just to tone up. I want to start going to the gym everyday honestly. It's getting a little harder for me to do certain things due to my weight. I also have a few birth clients that I've been interviewing. I'm getting better and better at interviews honestly! I've learned to send blank contracts before even doing a meet and greet, so they can see my services and what I offer. That saves so much time and effort honestly! I am getting much, much better and closer to where I want to be. My hair is growing so so much. I want to attribite it to the chebe powder. I can't wait to make my own hair shampoo! I just have to get the ingredients online, that's all. I think my medicine is working because I've been getting alot of things done in one day and it's not too much pressure on me like before. There was even a time I didn't feel well enough to even go outside. Now, I can do that and more! For example, like today, I finished my essay early early in the morning, went to get some things from the store, got my bathroom fixed, went to the beauty supply, met with two birth clients virtually, sent in my essay, and sent some virtual paperwork to Postpartum Support International about a client. I am so proud of everything that I accomplished today.... Things are getting better. I also have to attribute that to my chanting too. I do it everyday now. Sometimes I do it 2x or 3x a day. Like they say, it gets stronger overtime. They say chanting is like working out.


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