I'm Nervous

My private practice is growing so much! I have a few clients under me and then I have a meeting this Friday for a new client. I am absolutey nervous but excited! I haven't gotten into birth work for awhile, but I've been volunteering with PSI since October (helping 10+ mothers through postpartum recovery). My fellowship at Columbia is in two weeks like ahhhh! I really don't know what to expect from this fellowship, but it should be amazing.After this fellowship, I'll be a full-time doula which makes me so proud but my imposter syndrome loves to kick in when I'm feeling good and when things are going good for me. Every time I get a new client, I always ask "Can I handle this? Will I do a great job?" Sometimes I can be a nervous wreck over small things. I have to remind myself that it's step-by-step, one breath at a time. That seems to calm me down sometimes. Yesterday I felt HORRIBLE. I literally didn't even see the point of living anymore, but today I'm doing much better. :) I am trying my best.


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