My Best Friend Salomon 🌸

I love my best friend Salomon so much. He's the only person who doesn't trigger me or give me anxiety. I never text or call people first because if they're busy and don't answer, it will make me want to cut myself. It reminds me of when my brother passed away and nobody answered their phone for me. Everybody was busy. Nobody had time to console me. But with him... it's different. It's so gentle and heart filled. Every interaction between us is filled with grace which I'm forever grateful for. He's from Africa, but he graduated from Cornell, which leaves me filled with wonder on how the hell he managed to do that. Everything about him represents humility. For some reason, I'm really close to people who have been bullied. He was bullied when he came to America and he just... gets "it". My nephew is being bullied in school right now. One of the other kids told him that he's the reason that "black lives dont matter". As an aunt, I can't tell you how that makes me feel. My nephew, like Salomon, is gentle. He doesnt bother. So, my best friend gives me hope that my nephew will be ok and overcome all of this. I am so filled with gentle love and gentle care for this one person that I feel like my life would be so different if we never met. I honestly don't know how he feels about me which is interesting, because I always obsess over how people feel about me. I do trust that he feels positively about me, which brings a peace over me. He's so trustworthy and smooth. He reminds me of Sidney in so many ways, in good ways, not bad ways. He reminds me of the good times I had with my father when I was little before he got back on drugs. He reminds me of when me and my father would take trips to Red Top Mountain beach. My best friend reminds me of the waves when they'd massage the sandy beach. He reminds me of when my dad would console me when I cried. My dad was the only one who could console me and calm me down. I look to my best friend in so many ways and in so many circumstances. He is strong, but so tender too. It's never too much or too little. It's always just right.


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