Jealousy in 8th Grade

When I was in school, I had brief moments of bullying. They never lasted long and I really don't think the word bullying even applies to me mostly. I was definitely made fun of, but truly everyone was. I was no different or special in anyone's eyes. Though when I got to eigth grade... My social circle completely turned on me. I was in TAG classes, so I mostly hung out with those group of kids. At times, I found myself the butt of a few jokes like being called 'skittle titties' because my breast were so small. But the jokes were never too serious and they were pretty light hearted. But, when my breasts grew to a triple D in eigth grade and my hips spread... People started to take notice, including my friends. At first, things were ok. But then, things took a sinister turn when my mother was admitted into the ICU after having a stroke. One of my best friends started an untrue rumor about me and started bullying me. She would throw things at me in class. She would throw my school books away in the trash can and make me dig them up. The whole time I was hurting because my mother was dying and I had to face the cruelties of my old best friend who turned her back on me when I needed her the most. She would say the most horrible things about me commenting on my forehead while still making up things about me and spreading them. Hurt wasn't the word. Shocked wasn't the word. I was in such an uncomfortable position because I considered her someone I cared about, while she turned everyone against me. I felt like I was in the world all alone, fighting a silent battle with no help. As the years went by, my old best friend tried to follow me on instagram, and when she realized I wouldn't follow her back... Of course she unfollowed me. I am ashamed that I allowed things to get that far but I was battling so much and keeping so many things inside. I felt like nobody cared about me and in some ways, it was true. I had nobody but my closest family members (most of which have passed on now). The girls admitted to me later that they were jealous of me, but to this day, I still hurt about what happened. I was treated like a peice of shit that didn't matter to anyone. As of now, I have completely moved on from those girls that treated me like that. I am growing and no longer want to be apart of a social circle with that kind of structure ever again in my life. I wasn't the only girl that was made fun of. One of the other girls nickname was 'the rat' unbeknownst to her. They would call her 'the rat' everytime they saw her and continued to call her that behind her back. I don't have that many real friends today. My dad used to tell me that I'd be lucky if I had 1 or 2 real friends and I didn't believe him. How could that be true? How could the world be so cold? Now I see what he means as a grown woman.. You are blessed if you have 1-3 real friends in this world who you can depend on. I've had friends turn on me for the simplest reasons saying the most disgusting things about me behind my back, despite all I did for them. Some days it still hurts thinking about it, but I have to keep moving forward. Although, I do pray that I find more people who I can love and who can love me back.


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