Busy, Busy, Busy...

I am so suprised that I haven't been posting on here much! It's like time is flying. I have 6 clients now and I'm juggling that the best way I can with being the poet laureate at school, taking 4 classes, and taking care of my rescue kitten. It's so much sometimes!! I want to be 100% for my clients and I want to give them the best love and care possible. So far, all of my clients are pretty happy and grateful for my services. I am in love with the babies... They are so sweet, cute, and SMART. I honestly do have imposter syndrome and I feel like I'm not the best doula, but I try not to think that way (even though it's hard). I did pitch some agencies to my mother agency in London, so I'm waiting to hear back on that. Just trying to keep everything maintained, neat, and simple. I also tried to wean myself (bad idea) from my medication and I could barely even get out the bed in the morning, take a shower, and do simple things. So there it is... I need my meds to survive. I felt HORRIBLE without my meds and I will never do that again. For now, I am ok. Right now, I'm cooking fried chicken (my favorite food) and burning incense. I am at peace today... Today will be one of my few off days in about 2-3 weeks. I will be working everyday for about 2-3 weeks with prenatals, births, postpartum hours, and I'll be speaking at 2 events at my school this month. Whew.


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