Yesterday was my Induction Ceremony as the Annual Poet Laureate

I am so suprised that I was named the annual poet laureate of my school! It was a nice ceremony and the president of my school officially inducted me! I have more official pictures that I will share. It's the FIRST time I wore my natural hair out for a ceremony. I NEVER do that. And I did my own hair for the ceremony!! I'm getting more comfortable with my hair. It's about 9 inches rn in 18 months since I cut it. So, my hair mostly grows 0.5 inches a month and I'm retaining length with the chebe paste that I make with palm oil and cantu conditioner. Tomorrow, I'm going to get some workout clothes from Lane Bryant since I gained 100+ pounds from my anytipsychotics. I have to go back to working out everyday because doulaship requires alot of physical work and plus... my health. I am at risk for diabetes and my asthma has been triggered by me going up long flights of stairs.


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