I went to a psychic!

Waking up at 4 am is getting easier for me. I take bupropion as soon as I wake up, before I take a shower. Then I shower, get dressed, and walk the dogs. When I come back from work, I immediately take the risperidone. I used to take it before bed but I kept forgetting. It's better that I take it as soon as I walk in the door, it helps me sleep easily. I have been getting a little restless so I put on rain music to help me sleep. I went shopping at Trader Joe's today. I got:

-Whole wheat bread slices

-Freshly squeezed lemonade

-1/2 Gallon of reduced fat milk

-100% Mango Fruit juice smoothie 


-Vanilla Bean Scones

-Chocolate Chip Muffins

-Hummus and pita chips

I also got a ready-to-eat chicken and mashed potatoes dinner. I'm so happy that I go grocery shopping now... I used to just eat take out :( because I was so depressed. Now I try to cook healthy meals and ring lunch to work. I don't always succeed, but I try. I really love getting pizza on my break at work. I order a pepperoni Sicilian slice and a bacon Sicilian slice with ranch on the side. I'm addicted to it. I ate it everyday for weeks. But today, since it's Friday, I decided to get something different. I got a ham/pineapple slice and a pepperoni slice with two ranches. It was good, but I want to stop ordering out. I have to start bringing a healthy lunch. I'm going to shop more at Trader Joe's. I usually shop at Aqui Food market, but Trader Joe's is walking distance from my job and I can just bring it home easily. Oh yeah, I went to a psychic yesterday. She told me that I'm going to be taking a trip. I think she said a short trip but a promising trip. Something about some water. So maybe California? I don't know. She also said my career should be up-and-running in a month. She stated that there's a family member that I butt heads with that needs me. Not materialistically but emotionally. I think she's talking about my mom. She's right, I do need to be there more for my mom. We just reconnected recently and that made her/me happy. Since I've been getting better, I've been reaching out to others that I've lost touch with. I've been talking to my late brother's best friend almost everyday. We are SO close. We used to fall asleep on the phone together. We are getting much closer and we're falling in love. I hope that we get married and have kids someday truly. He's had a crush on me since I was in Elementary school, but I never really looked at him like that. But after Sidney's death, he's ALWAYS been there for me and heard me cry so many times. Seen me at my worst. I love him and I'm so proud of him. He's getting deployed later this year. I'm going to miss him... I want to take a trip to Atlanta before he leaves, but I also need to save money. My agency says that they'll book me for jobs in LA, and I need money for the flights/hotel/airbnb/transportation/food. That all adds up. So we'll see... I'll pray about it. My mom came to visit for July 4th! It was an absolute mess. I was watching 4 dogs and they were pooping/peeing everywhere in the apartment. I was so stressed out trying to clean up after them and keep everything sanitized. I couldn't even walk around the apartment... That's how bad it was. But I was happy to see her, of course.



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