Busy Day On Monday

 I started reading this book and it's such an eye-opening experience. She touches on psychological, sexual, and physical abuse. It's a great book so far! I'm on page 200. I have a busy day on Monday!! I do not like being busy at all, I honestly just love staying in the bed all day. I don't think it's healthy that I stay in the bed all day, so I have to get up and do things. I may have a shoot on Friday, we'll see. Right now, I'm on hold for it. It's for a jewelry line. I booked my ticket to Atlanta so I'll be there in September. I might be watching two dogs and a cat soon which will make me even more busier :( But money is money. On Tuesday, I'm going to get my toe nails done. Today I had chic fil a for dinner, which is so rare. I usually cook but I had to go to the mall to get new shoes and some leggings. 


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