School Today


I’m back home from the Bronx. I went to school today and accomplished so much. To be honest, I got so frustrated with my work that I wanted to withdrawal from all my classes. But I took a walk, calmed down, and completed what needed to be done. I can’t forget that I just got out the hospital Monday, but also I need to get this work in before the end of the semester. I’m handling everything well. I’m going to order out today to celebrate me completing my tech work. That work is so hard and redundant. I thought my appetite came back but not really. I wanted to eat all my breakfast but I didn’t finish it. The Reason I Jump is a book about autism and I’m so excited to read it! It’s at my school but I might like it so much so I was thinking of buying it. Anytime I get a book from the library, I never want to give it back. Now that I’m not working, I have time to go to the library which I love. I lost so much weight, none of my clothes are fitting. So I have to do shopping. But honestly, I have so many clothes from when I was different sizes. Sometimes I’m big, sometimes I’m small. Right now I’m small so I have to keep that in mind when I’m dressing. I’m excited about the semester ending because then I can rest. 


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