Missing My Brother Terribly

Lately, it's been so hard without Sidney. I think I was in the denial stage for 4+ years and now I'm accepting it... He's not coming back. That makes me so sad. I'm consistently looking for him in everyone and everything I do. Which I don't know if that's healthy. I've been with the dogs all day! I love being with them and feeding them. Taking care of the dogs is so soothing for me. They are so loving and they always like going on walks. Lol that sounds like me! I love going on walks, being rubbed, and I'm so loyal. I had bereavement group today, but I didn't want to leave the dogs so I stayed home. I've been getting alot of rest. The dogs make me so sleepy lol because they are so much work. Dogs are alot of work, patience, and love. But I love them and I'll do anything for them. They make me feel so happy inside. I can be alone with them all day and feel happy. This is my happy place. In my own apartment with the dogs.


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