NASA Application Internship Interests Submission

As someone who lives with 6 diagnosed disabilities and 1 undiagnosed disability, at times, I struggle to find my purpose/my way. I live with schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder, PMDD, anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Every day that I live is a day that I've overcome. Having a rape kit at five years old because my biological father was molesting me altered my views on life in so many ways. I felt like I never had a chance. I felt like, at that moment, that little girl doesn't stand a chance in the world. How could she? How could she survive this? As I'm growing into a woman, I realized that I'm a survivor. That same father that molested me as a child also murdered my twin brother on February 27th, 2019 with a gun shot wound to his head. As I had to identify my twin with a gun shot wound in his head, I thought again.. "How can I survive this?" I miss my brother everyday and I try to make him as proud as I can. I know he's watching his little sister as I got accepted into Princeton University, maintained a 4.00 GPA at my college, run my own businesses, became a doula, and recently got accepted into nursing school. I've always had my eye on NASA as I used to want to be an astronaut so I could be far away from my father as possible. I remember being obsessed with black holes and how I found them so interesting. Don't get me started on when I found out about the hypothetical reality of white holes, I was hooked! As I continue to embark on this journey called life, I am so proud of getting far away from my father in many ways. I am proud of that little girl surviving and experiencing a rape kit at such a young age with her chin up. If NASA gave me the opportunity to soar, I know that every rainbow in the sky would be Sidney smiling down on me.


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