Week Long Break From School/Trading Options

We have a week long break from school, which is good because I need a break honestly. I've been so tired lately, I don't know why. So, I made my first call/put today in trading options. I was honestly scared to do it because I've been researching, but I didn't feel like I was ready. So far, I made $40 in an hour. But the fact that the stocks constantly go up and down all day give me so much anxiety. Especially when I start losing money. I bought some melatonin to help me sleep. I've been having troubles sleeping again :( which makes me so sad. It's getting colder in New Jersey (which I kind of like). I actually like when it's cold because I sleep so much better. I'm praying that trading options goes well for me. I think the most I've made is $50 and the most I've lost is $100. If I could trade full time, I'd be so so happy. It seems simple enough. I have my eyes on a few luxury apartments in New Jersey that I want to move into. I want to stay in Bayonne because I love the water so much, so that's my current goal. Although, I love stairs and big windows so I'm also keeping that into consideration. I've been feeling better lately and less anxiety. I also had a HOPE program meeting that I attended yesterday. The HOPE program is a program where I'd be a doula for homeless and incarcerated women (I'm not sure if I talked about this before). I'd be a doula for Ryker's island which I'm excited about!! I'd love to be a prison doula. It reminds me of my dad so much since he's a felon. I'm going to keep this blog updated on me trading options. I also went to the mall today and found some very pretty jewelry. I honestly love Macy's so much. No matter how much money I have, I'll still shop at Macy's and Garage.


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