Child S*xual Abuse is a Crisis

I'm reading Anne Heche's book and she talks about the statistics of childhood s*xual abuse and it's astonishing. I cannot tell you how many times someone has told me their biggest secrets of being s*xually abused as a child because "Nicole, you're the only one that understands. You're the only one that would understand why I didn't tell anyone." It hurts my heart that it happens so frequently and so little is done about it. Children can't defend themselves properly and they are constantly being put in situations that are not appropriate for them. These are the same people that grow up to be called "crazy". I can't say this enough... Nobody's "crazy". Life is crazy. The whole world is crazy and what people are put through drives them to places in the mind that haven't been explored before. We have to remember that only a certain percentage of the brain is used. When people go through unimaginable things, it obviously affects their brain in a way that most people just won't simply understand. I cannot stand a person that says "Why'd you wait until now?""Why didn't you say anything?""Why didn't you call the police?" It's insensitive, ignorant, and aggressive to say that to an abuse survivor. More than likely, they DID say something. More than likely, there were signs that were completely ignored. More than likely, they were abused into silence and gaslit. There are so many tactics that predators use to brainwash someone. I know that this book will make me more sensitive, aware, and understanding. I have always tried my best to be those things, but reading more books really helps me go deep into myself. I don't think anyone can ever be "too sensitive". No way. Feelings are so important.


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