Finished All My Schoolwork Today/CEG Dividends/Black Mirror

So, I found a concoction that works for me sleeping. I take 1/2 a melatonin gummy and one of my hair pills that makes me sleepy. Me not sleeping actually aligns with Qiyam and Fajr, but I still do not enjoy not getting enough rest. It makes me anxious and gives me the worst headaches. Suprisngly today I finished all my school work. I did not feel like doing my school work at all lol. Soon we have thanksgiving break and I can get some rest. I got a notification today that a stock I invested in (CEG) is giving out dividends on Thursday. I am very surprised by this. I've never received a dividend on a stock before. I just started trading last month so all of this is very new to me. I think I'm going to invest in Microsoft on Friday as well, but I'm not entirely sure. I try not to overdo it on the stocks because I'm still so new and I hate losing money. I've been really sad lately so I wanted to start getting into tv shows. I always hated TV shows for some reason. I always preferred movies, but since I've been resting at home from my hospitalization I've really been getting into TV shows. I started a TV show named Black Mirror. Now I've seen this TV show before but I completely ignored it because I thought I wouldn't like it. But actually I really really like it. It's so good. I don't like eevry episode and some of the episodes are quite gruesome, but most of them I really like. I especially liked episode 2 of season 1. I made fried shrimp today, which I was surprised about. I never thought I'd be ok with deep frying since deep frying is something I've always struggled with. I just didn't get how to bread and how long to fry... The whole thing was difficult for me. But these past couple of weeks, I've been frying everything lol. Today I made an egg wash for frying chicken and I hated it. I will never do that again. With frying shrimp, I used a prepacked frying mix. I want to find a frying mix for chicken because I don't really like the one I make at home. It's flour based. I'm going to check the store to see if they have some, I think that they do.


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