So Many Books to Read/ I Love Pamela Anderson

I'm so excited about all the books I've read this year and the books I'll read in the year coming. I still remember when I went to the library and picked up a book by Sinead O' Connor (never heard who she was), read it, and in the middle of reading it she passed away. I still have the book and will probably never get rid of it. I miss her so much.. She was amazing and so truthful. I'm not sure what that means by me randomly picking up her book and then she passes on but I can't get it out of my head. One day, I'll ask someone what it means. Until then, I take it as a divine power bringing us together. When she passed, I felt it so hugely and I felt like nobody understood my pain. I grew so connected to her when I read her book.

I'm really excited to read Pamela Anderson's book! She's so graceful and polite. I really like her.


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