Changing My Major to Medical Coding Before Transferring to NYU

Oh I also made like $150 today through stocks! My new goal is to make at least $100 a day in stocks. I'm in a discord where we just talk about stocks and it's been helping alot. Alot of my plays, I make myself, but when it comes to SPY, I rely heavily on the discord because they know more than me. I do have to make a habit of waking up at 9:30 am every morning, so I can trade on time. If I would've woke up on time today, I would've made more money but I was so tired. My best friend was traveling today and I was waiting on him to make sure he was ok. I love him so much. On to changing my major to medical coding... I changed my major because I wanted a certificate in something where I could possibly work from home while I major in Africana studies. I think that would work out better for me. I have so much going on in my life... I'm a post partum doula (yes, I still get clients but mostly virtually), I'm a medical coding major, and I applied for Africana studies at NYU. Life can change so much... Last year I was looking at becoming a nurse but I genuinely had to put my mental health first. I don't think nursing school would've worked out for me, but I do see myself happy with an Africana studies BA or even an MA. I'm so excited about what life can bring.... I'm also nervous about this medical coding major. I have questions like what if I'm not smart enough for it? What if I don't get it? I'm so nervous. I have a 4 hour class that I have to attend every week that I'm scared about.


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