Painting My Nails Made Me Feel Better

I couldn't figure out what would make me feel better, so I decided to paint my nails. I NEVER paint my nails, I always hated it. But today, I had enough energy so I painted my nails. I just painted them clear, but honestly, I like it. I chose clear because I'm not the best at application and I didn't want to mess my nails up. It's a simple color, but to me, it shows that I tried. It shows that I'm getting better. Last year, when I got out the psych ward, painting my nails was never on my mind. Ever. Every day was a hard day and I was battling so many emotions and mental/physical ailments. As of today, I am doing so much better. I'm cooking, cleaning, and painting my nails (<3). My applications for the schools I applied for are finally complete and I can't wait for the results. I have class tonight and I don't want to go, but I'll try to enjoy myself. I honestly can't wait until I switch schools. I haven't had the best of times at my school.


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