Thinking of Volunteering with R*pe Survivors

I already volunteer at the Hoboken homeless shelter and Postpartum Support International, but I'd also like to volunteer with r*pe survivors as well. I imagine I'm going to be pretty busy soon with clients because I've applied for many programs and doula initiatives and I'm just waiting to hear back from all of them. Life is changing for me and things are also becoming more simple for me. I've been upped on my meds so maybe that's why I've been a bit more calm lately, but my anxiety is getting so much better. I'm not really having anxiety attacks and crying spells as much as I used to. Thankfully I made it through the anniversary of my brother's passing and didn't get admitted into a psych ward (which is a big accomplishment). I've been out of the psych ward since April 24th, 2023. So soon, it will be a year!


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