Does 'Nam Myoho Renge Kyo' work?

It has worked for me on numerous occasions!! It is life changing. I started doing my own hair, nails, and waxes, which I NEVER do. Taking care of myself has always been a challenge for me. It's always been a struggle. Loving myself has always been a struggle. As of today, I feel so much better. I feel so much lighter. I'm actually obsessed with 'nam myoho renge kyo'. Every problem that I have becomes resolved. Everything that I pray for comes to be true. My hair is growing stronger, longer, and healthier due to chebe (which I'm so excited about). My next hair style is going to incorporate alot of chebe powder so that it can keep growing. I don't know how long I'll keep that style in. My last style I kept in for 5-6 months using the chebe powder religiously. I honestly just mix the chebe powder with a leave-in and keep it moving. My hair has grown so so much!! Like I've discussed before, I really want to post about my schizophrenia on my instagram, but I'm lost at what to say... I'll definitely find the words. I want to get back on instagram so bad, but I also love my blog so so much!! Maybe I can balance the both of them together with the more private, lengthy posts for my blog. And the more public, decent posts for my instagram. I really want to get back into makeup so bad with different designs and patterns. I need a glittery, purple eyeshadow and maybe even a red? I want to play with more colors.


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