
Showing posts from October, 2023

I Meet My First Client Tomorrow!

I'm so excited to meet my first client tomorrow. I printed out all the forms that I needed. I'm wishing her a safe pregnancy and a healthy delivery.

Meeting Next Week For My First Birth

I have a meeting next week for my first birth!!

Might Have My First Birth in November

I might have my first birth in November and I'm so excited!!! I've been taking many classes and learning so much. I'm still on this journey to get my IBCLC and PMH-C. I'm most excited about getting my IBCLC because not alot of black women are able to obtain theirs. I made a play on 5 stocks this week and they all went up today. I'm hoping they all go up by Friday. I'm thinking of coming up with a plan based on my experiences with stocks. I'm thinking of buying on Mondays then selling those stocks on Wednesdays. Then buying again on Wednesdays and selling on Fridays. This is only my second time making plays with options, so I'm thinking of what works best for me. I will definitely keep this blog updated on my stock journey because I'm learning so much about them. I learned most of my findings from kellyohgee on youtube, but I'm going to keep researching and learning how to make more money. I have a spinning babies course that I need to attend. I a

Books Are Everything


I Love Okra

I love okra so much, it goes great with stews and soups on the side. I cut it into pieces (cutting the head off) and then I process it on low. After that, I cook it with a bit of water and salt. I eat it with my hands. It is such a great vegetable.

Finished Elizabeth Taylor's Biography

I just finished Elizabeth Taylor's biography and I'm amazed! I honestly never heard of her before I read her book so it was a big shock for me to learn about her. Her book is 446 pages and I read them all. Her work for AIDS is life-changing and she had such a huge spirit and love for life. I love her so much. She is the epitome of glamour. I am very impressed with her work.

I can’t wait


Back To The Gym/Deans List Celebration

I started back at the gym yesterday!!! So, now I'm going back to the gym everyday which I'm proud of. My hips grew 4 inches (total 44 inch hips) so now I have to buy more pants/skirts lol. I had a Deans list celebration today, but I left early. I don't know, I just didn't want to be there. My Gambian friend showed me a soup named superkanja and I really want to make it so bad. I've never made soup with fish, so I want to try it! Fish is so easy to cook with because it cooks pretty fast. With my trading contracts, I did pretty good! I made $100/day and they all expire tomorrow. I'm excited about trading options. I hope soon my $100/day can get to $1000/day. I have to get my hair done because I've had these braids in for two months. I'm curious to see how long my hair has gotten in two months. I had a long day today.... I've been up since like 4 in the morning because I'm not sleeping :(

Week Long Break From School/Trading Options

We have a week long break from school, which is good because I need a break honestly. I've been so tired lately, I don't know why. So, I made my first call/put today in trading options. I was honestly scared to do it because I've been researching, but I didn't feel like I was ready. So far, I made $40 in an hour. But the fact that the stocks constantly go up and down all day give me so much anxiety. Especially when I start losing money. I bought some melatonin to help me sleep. I've been having troubles sleeping again :( which makes me so sad. It's getting colder in New Jersey (which I kind of like). I actually like when it's cold because I sleep so much better. I'm praying that trading options goes well for me. I think the most I've made is $50 and the most I've lost is $100. If I could trade full time, I'd be so so happy. It seems simple enough. I have my eyes on a few luxury apartments in New Jersey that I want to move into. I want to sta

Want To Do A Fully Nude Shoot


Smothered Chicken




On My Way To Hoboken With Sweet Girl


Nigerian Red Stew Outcome


Nigerian Red Stew Ingredients

I'm making the stew rn. I put the lamb in first since it takes the longest to cook, the chicken in second, and then the potatoes and carrots last. I put two bonnet peppers in and I was worried if it would be too spicy but it's not. The ginger gave it a nice flavor. The tomato paste was thick and I added some water to it. It's boiling in the kitchen rn. Just waiting to add the potatoes and carrots to it. I wanted to eat it with cassava fufu, but I opted for rice instead.

Nigerian Red Stew

I'm making Nigerian red stew today. I've been craving it for a while. I'm thinking about putting lamb and chicken in it. I want to make alot of it so it can last because I've been eating so much lately....

La Leche Meeting (Lactation Meeting)

I went to a lactation meeting and learned soooo much! I didn't know breastfeeding could make your nipples raw or even fall off. I learned so so much. I learned how painful that breastfeeding could be and my heart goes out to all mothers ❤ I've always had a soft spot for mothers but as I'm doing my doula work, my hearta grows fonder and fonder.



** Update On Life**

<3333 Life is going well. All my bills are paid on time, thank God. My hair is getting so long now!!! It grows almost an inch a month with the Chebe powder that I use and the pills that I take!!! Now that I'm focusing on myself, I HATE when people talk to me. I honestly just want to be left ALONE. At a time where I wished people would call/text me, I wished people would care, I wished people would wonder about me... I am quite the opposite. I don't want to be called, I don't want to be texted, I don't care if people wonder about me... All I care about is myself, my sister, and my clients. Anything else, I could care less. Focusing on myself has helped me in so many ways. I don't want to be bothered anymore and rightfully so. I've been texting my girl pen pal in Gambia alot, I love her! We're so close that she has me thinking of visiting Gambia and possibly living there. She is my sweetheart, my kindness. I am now working towards my PMH-C certification and

Oven Baked Spicy Fried Chicken


At Therapy


Eyebrows Threaded

I got my eyebrows threaded today and also went to the mall to get some jewelry. They had beautiful jewelry.

Got My First Doula Request Today❤️

I am so ready to start helping women give birth! This is an exciting journey for me. I am also now an official postpartum specialist for parents who are struggling mentally. So much good things going on.. I am excited about it.