
Showing posts from August, 2024

Why Am I Up?

Just thinking about so much... So much is heavy on my heart/mind right now. Some days I just want to be completely alone and just focus on myself. Not answering my phone (only for my family) and just working... I don't know how healthy that is. But I feel like people distract me and I'm always hurt by the words of others. I've had people tell me to "toughen up" and not be so sensitive, but it's just my nature. I am sensitive. I do take things personal. I do take things to heart. I am trying my best. In a perfect world, everyone would be kind and sweet, but they're not. That's just not how life is... So, maybe, I'll plan to take a breather from everyone and focus on my healing. I think that's for the best and that's what I need to feel 100% and to give 100%. I'm up right now doing a bit of school work. School officially started on Wednesday and I'm taking general biology, speech, contemporary moral issues, and introduction to sociolo

The Twins Are Coming Soon!

My client is 33 weeks and the twins are coming so soon! I am so excited about it and can't wait to meet them!!!!!!!! Assisting in delivering twins would be my biggest accomplishment yet, to this day <3

May be Attending Another Birth/Convocation Speech Today


Wow! Just Attended a 30 Week Premie Birth!

I an exhausted but happy! Just had a successful premie birth! I havent slept in so many hours because the adrenaline kept me up! Mommy was 30 weeks and she did a GREAT job.

I Just Found this Picture


My Hair Took 11 Hours This Time


I Went to Another Psychic!

So, I went to another psychic.. I went to a psychic before, but honestly, to me, her predictions didn't seem right. BUT, this one, made predictions that were more on par and exact. She told me how many siblings I had growing up... She told me alot of things, that I can't really share for the sacredness. But I'll share some that I'm comfortable with and so I can also keep track of them. She said I'll be moving somewhere far next year, she suggested Paris/France, but we'll see about that. I have a contract in London and have been thinking about moving there for quite some time. How I'll make a living? I don't know. She admitted that it would be a rough start, but my most successful year would be 2026. She said that I'm in a transition and that I'd be transitioning mostly November-December 2024 and March-April 2025. I'm going to have two kids, a boy and a girl. She described my soul mate, his initials, what he looked like, and what he does, and

Attended my First Successful VBAC

On August 17th, I attended my first vaginal birth after cesarean section. I am proud of myself, but also, the imposter syndrome is killing me. I have questions like, "Was I good enough?" "Did I do enough for her?" Mommy and birthing partner said that I did a good job and that I pampered her well, but I'm so sensitive and everything gets to me. I missed my baby kitten so much while I was at the birth. She's my joy while I transition into being a full-time doula. Right now, I have 6 clients. After attending the VBAC, I got a call from a mommy who was experiencing preterm contractions. I stayed with her until about 1 in the morning from 5 pm at night to make sure she was stable and got home around 3 am. She may have to be monitored in the hospital for months, but I tried to be her light throughout the night. I tried to reassure her that everything's ok.

Dream Photo Shoot

This is my dream photo shoot in nude. I want to do something like this. I'm still trying to find a photographer for this. I do have to take new headshots, so that's what I'm working on among other things.

On Call for a Birth Tonight!

I'm on call for a birth tonight! I am so excited to help women through labor, it is an honor. I'm at a postpartum shift and have 2 prenatals this weekend, so I'm missing my baby girl. Her name is Ore Ofe which means grace in Yoruba. She's my sweetie.

Yesterday was my Induction Ceremony as the Annual Poet Laureate

I am so suprised that I was named the annual poet laureate of my school! It was a nice ceremony and the president of my school officially inducted me! I have more official pictures that I will share. It's the FIRST time I wore my natural hair out for a ceremony. I NEVER do that. And I did my own hair for the ceremony!! I'm getting more comfortable with my hair. It's about 9 inches rn in 18 months since I cut it. So, my hair mostly grows 0.5 inches a month and I'm retaining length with the chebe paste that I make with palm oil and cantu conditioner. Tomorrow, I'm going to get some workout clothes from Lane Bryant since I gained 100+ pounds from my anytipsychotics. I have to go back to working out everyday because doulaship requires alot of physical work and plus... my health. I am at risk for diabetes and my asthma has been triggered by me going up long flights of stairs.

Busy, Busy, Busy...

I am so suprised that I haven't been posting on here much! It's like time is flying. I have 6 clients now and I'm juggling that the best way I can with being the poet laureate at school, taking 4 classes, and taking care of my rescue kitten. It's so much sometimes!! I want to be 100% for my clients and I want to give them the best love and care possible. So far, all of my clients are pretty happy and grateful for my services. I am in love with the babies... They are so sweet, cute, and SMART. I honestly do have imposter syndrome and I feel like I'm not the best doula, but I try not to think that way (even though it's hard). I did pitch some agencies to my mother agency in London, so I'm waiting to hear back on that. Just trying to keep everything maintained, neat, and simple. I also tried to wean myself (bad idea) from my medication and I could barely even get out the bed in the morning, take a shower, and do simple things. So there it is... I need my meds t

Finished Columbia University’s LDEO Program
